Michael Joiner
4201 St. Antoine1D UHC
Detroit, MI 48201
Office Location:GROC Academic Area
Office Phone
I am the Director of Radiobiology in the Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology at WSU. I currently teach the Radiobiology course in the Graduate Program. I also provide radiobiology teaching to the Residency Program, the RT training program, and also teach at a number of national and international courses on radiation oncology. I am the course director for the international ESTRO Basic Clinical Radiobiology course and editor of the textbook Basic Clinical Radiobiology.
Faculty Appointments
April 1988 - April 1997
Research Scientist, Tenured appointment, senior grade, CRC Gray Laboratory, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, UK
April 1997 - February 2002
Research Scientist, Special appointment grade, CRC Gray Laboratory, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, UK
February 2002 - present
Professor (tenured), Department of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI USA
Hospital / Professional Appointments:
January 1989
Head of Experimental Oncology, Gray Laboratory Cancer Research Trust, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, UK
December 1996
Honorary Professor Associate, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK
November 2000
Honorary Professor, Department of Oncology, University College, London, UK
October 2001 - present
Head of Radiation Biology Program, Department of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Education Training
Queens' College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
BA (1976)
MA (1980)
Institute of Cancer Research (Royal Postgraduate Medical School), University of London, London, UK
PhD (1980)
January 1980
Research Scientist
CRC Gray Laboratory, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, UK
Honors and Awards
1973 Scholarship, Queens' College, Cambridge, UK
1996 Honorary Professor Associate, Brunel University, UK
1999 Honorary Member, Royal College of Radiologists, UK
2000 Honorary Professor, University College London, UK
2004 Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars
2004 Distinguished Service Award for guest editorship, Springer International Publishing
2012 Marie Curie Prize, World Council of Nuclear Workers, for discovery of Low-Dose Hyper-radiosensitivity
2015 Wayne State University School of Medicine College Teaching Award
2017 Distinguished Faculty, Wayne State University School of Medicine Medical Physics
2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
Research Interests
While my background is pure radiobiology, the overlap between models of radiation damage and the physics required to understand those models has generated a number of interesting research projects for me within the medical physics arena.
My current Research Interests include, but are not limited to:
- Molecular basis for clinical radiation resistance and diversity seen in the response to radiation therapy, including the study of cancer stem cells.
- Development of a complete system of treatment planning based on biologically effective dose to improve our ability to account for variability in biological factors such as radiosensitivity, hypoxia and cell proliferation from patient to patient.
- Investigation of soy isoflavones to enhance radiotherapy.
- Gene therapy and therapeutic use of stem cells for radioprotection of normal tissues.
- Development of high-LET radiotherapy.
- Nanoparticles to enhance the radiation effect on radioresistant tumors.
I do advise Master's student in their thesis work in the medical physics program. The research is usually biologically focused, including some lab work, with a heavy lean towards clinical applications of the outcomes and possible inclusion into the planning of hypofractionated treatment schedules.
Recent Projects
- "B-DIM impairs radiation-induced survival pathways independently of androgen receptor expression and augments radiation efficacy in prostate cancer."
- "Bioeffect modeling and equieffective dose concepts in radiation oncology – Terminology, quantities and units."
- "Low energy fluorescent X-Ray dosimetry using ion chamber and film"
- "Relationships among micronuclei, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds within individual cells in the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay."
- "Estimating the lowest detectable dose of ionizing radiation by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay."
- "Differential effect of soy isoflavones in enhancing high dose radiotherapy and protecting lung tissue in a pre-clinical model of lung carcinoma."
- "Soy isoflavones protect normal tissue from radiation-induced injury."
- "Limitations of the bowel bag contouring technique in the definitive treatment of cervical cancer."
My full NCBI Bibliography is at:
h index = 39
1. Tracey MW, Joiner M, Kacin S, Burmeister J. A collaborative educational intervention integrating biology and physics in radiation oncology: a design research case study. Contemporary Educational Technology 2018;9:186-205.
2. Burmeister J, Tracey M, Kacin S, Dominello M, Joiner MC. Improving research in radiation oncology through interdisciplinary collaboration. Radiat Res 2018;190:1-3.
3. Burmeister J, Tracey M, Kacin S, Dominello M, Joiner MC. …of radiation oncology, biology, and physics. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2018;100:1289-90.
4. Rodrigues-Moreira S, Moreno SG, Ghinatti G, Lewandowski D, Hoffschir F, Ferri F, Gallouet AS, Gay D, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Joiner MC, Gault N, Romeo PH. Low-dose irradiation promotes persistent oxidative stress and decreases self-renewal in hematopoietic stem cells. Cell Rep 2017;20:3199-211.
5. Dominello MM, Fountain MD, Rothstein SE, Cannon AC, Abernathy LM, Hoogstra D, Chen W, Joiner MC, Hillman GG. Radiation injury to cardiac arteries and myocardium is reduced by soy isoflavones. J Radiat Oncol 2017;6:307-15.
6. Joiner MC, Tracey MW, Kacin SE, Burmeister JW. IBPRO – a novel short-duration teaching course in advanced physics and biology underlying cancer radiotherapy. Radiat Res 2017;187:637-640.
7. Abernathy LM, Fountain MD, Joiner MC, Hillman GG. Innate immune pathways associated with lung radioprotection by soy isoflavones. Front Oncol 2017;7:7.
8. Squires B, Daveluy SD, Joiner MC, Hurst N, Bishop B, Miller SR. Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica associated with cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Case Rep Dermatol Med 2016;2016:7137691.
9. Zaki M, Xu Y, Joiner M, Kim H, Dominello M. Cervical osteoradionecrosis following accelerated fractionation radiotherapy for laryngeal cancer. Pract Radiat Oncol 2016;6:405-8.
10. Rakowski JT, Tucker MA, Snyder MG, Makar SG, Yudelev M, Burmeister J, Joiner MC. Extrapolation ionization chamber dosimetry of fluorescent x-ray energies from 4.5 to 19.6 keV. Radiat Res 2016;186:283-291.
11. Abernathy LM, Fountain MD, Rothstein SE, David JM, Yunker CK, Rakowski J, Lonardo F, Joiner MC, Hillman GG. Soy isoflavones promote radioprotection of normal lung tissue by inhibition of radiation-induced activation of macrophages and neutrophils. J Thorac Oncol 2015;10:1703-12.
12. Dynlacht JR, Zeman EM, Held KD, Deye J, Vikram B, Joiner MC. Education and training needs in the radiation sciences: problems and potential solutions. Radiat Res 2015;184:449-55.
13. Fountain MD, Abernathy LM, Lonardo F, Rothstein SE, Dominello MM, Yunker CK, Chen W, Gadgeel SM, Joiner MC, Hillman GG. Radiation-induced esophagitis is mitigated by soy isoflavones. Front Oncol 2015;5:238.
14. Joshi GS, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Effects of low oxygen levels on G2-specific cytogenetic low dose hyper-radiosensitivity in irradiated human cells. Environ Mol Mutagen 2015;56:545-55.
15. Seth I, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Cytogenetic low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity is observed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2015;91:82-90.
16. Konski A, Meyer JE, Joiner M, Hall MJ, Philip P, Shields A, McSpadden E, Choi M, Adaire B, Duncan G, Meropol NJ, Cescon TP, Cohen SJ. Multi-institutional phase I study of low-dose ultra-fractionated radiotherapy as a chemosensitizer for gemcitabine and erlotinib in patients with locally advanced or limited metastatic pancreatic cancer. Radiother Oncol 2014;113:35-40.
17. Joshi GS, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Cytogenetic characterization of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity in Cobalt-60 irradiated human lymphoblastoid cells. Mutat Res 2014;770:69-78.
18. Hillman GG, Lonardo F, Hoogstra DJ, Rakowski J, Yunker CK, Joiner MC, Gadgeel S, Singh-Gupta V. Axitinib improves radiotherapy in murine xenograft lung tumors. Transl Oncol 2014;7:400-9.
19. Bakhmutsky MV, Joiner MC, Jones T, Tucker JD. Differences in cytogenetic susceptibility to ionizing radiation in newborns and adults. Radiat Res 2014;181:605-16.
20. Seth I, Schwartz JL, Stewart RD, Emery R, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Neutron exposures in human cells: bystander effect and relative biological effectiveness. PLoS ONE 2014;9:e98947.
21. Tucker JD, Joiner MC, Thomas RA, Grever WE, Bakhmutsky MV, Chinkhota CN,
Smolinski JM, Divine GW, Auner GW. Accurate gene expression-based biodosimetry using a minimal set of human gene transcripts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2014;88:933-9.
22. Dominello MM, Nalichowski A, Paximadis P, Kaufman I, McSpadden E, Joiner M, Miller S, Konski A. Limitations of the bowel bag contouring technique in the definitive treatment of cervical cancer. Pract Radiat Oncol 2014;4:e15-e20.
23. Tucker JD, Divine GW, Grever WE, Thomas RA, Joiner MC, Smolinski JM, Auner GW. Gene expression-based dosimetry by dose and time in mice following acute radiation exposure. PLoS ONE 2013;8:e83390.
24. Hillman GG, Singh-Gupta V, Lonardo F, Hoogstra DJ, Abernathy LM, Yunker CK, Rothstein SE, Rakowski J, Sarkar FH, Gadgeel S, Konski AA, Joiner MC. Radioprotection of lung tissue by soy isoflavones. J Thorac Oncol 2013;8:1356-64.
25. Hillman GG, Singh-Gupta V, Hoogstra DJ, Abernathy L, Rakowski J, Yunker CK, Rothstein SE, Sarkar FH, Gadgeel S, Konski AA, Lonardo F, Joiner MC. Differential effect of soy isoflavones in enhancing high intensity radiotherapy and protecting lung tissue in a pre-clinical model of lung carcinoma. Radiother Oncol 2013;109:117-
26. Tucker JD, Vadapalli M, Joiner MC, Ceppi M, Fenech M, Bonassi S. Estimating the lowest detectable dose of ionizing radiation by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. Radiat Res 2013;180:284-91.
27. Cheong H, Seth I, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Relationships among micronuclei, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds within individual cells in the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay. Mutagenesis 2013;28:433-40.